Web Design Blog

Exploring the Best Practices and Techniques in
Web Design to Create Beautiful and Effective Websites

Created WordPress Post Format Icons

Created WordPress Post Format Icons

Was working on updates to Simon WP Framework and I created icons for update 2.1.3. The icons are available for download as vectors should any wp framework users want to change the color of the icons or use the icons for other projects. You are free to use the...

WP Framework Update 2.1.3

WP Framework Update 2.1.3

Above we created a quick video and review of WP Framework update to 2.1.3. We discuss why our framework is different. What free should really mean and the actual code changes. Update points: Post Formats, Get_Template_Part(), and Minor Typography changes. Should you...

Woo Pricing Revisited

Woo Pricing Revisited

WordPress DradCast Episode 021 Was listening to the DradCast Episode 021. This is a late response. Love listening to these guys that love WP. I wrote a post recently about the pricing updates over at Woo. I must say I was a bit disappointed hearing what they were...

What is a Grid System?

What is a Grid System?

This is a brief overview of Grid System and why this matters. What is a Grid System? Grid Systems were originally used in print design to create layouts. So for example, if you had a magazine spread to create you would sketch it out in a grid and use that grid system...

The Hybrid Designer

The Hybrid Designer

What is a "designer"? And how did we get here from print to web. Here's a short view of the changes in the design workforce from my perspective and as a result the hybrid designer. Scope Changes to the Workforce There was a change in business needs from just graphic...

Star with the Why

Star with the Why

This TED talk changed the way I look at Information Architecture, Online Marketing, and Business in general. Starting with the why is important, because when you talk about what you believe you will attract those that believe in what you believe. "People don't buy...

Why doesn’t everybody have good design?

Why doesn’t everybody have good design?

Summary: Design isn't just how something looks, it's soulful. It's not just what meets the eye, but what touches the heart. A well-designed product isn't just aesthetically pleasing, it evokes emotions and creates an unforgettable experience. While a little...

WooThemes Pricing

WooThemes Pricing

"Money, it's a gas Grab that cash with both hands And make a stash" - Pink Floyd If you have had you ear to the WordPress train tracks you've probably heard about WooThemes pricing issues. Let's talk the basics. In business there is a cost of doing business and a...

FlexGrid CSS Intro

FlexGrid CSS Intro

Put up an intro video explaining the what and how of FlexGrid CSS. It's a short intro, but FlexGrid CSS is very easy to understand and use. And most, importantly FlexGrid is very light at 4kb. Flex Grid is a percentage based CSS Grid Framework. It's light, easy to...

Information Architecture Overview

Information Architecture Overview

Created some content over on SoundCloud. Here is my first post. A brief overview discussing Information Architecture basics. Then we go into a little...

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