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PSD Gradients

By: Simon
Mar 19, 2013
Posted: Mar 15, 2013

PSD Gradients

These are 10 must have PSD gradients. The PSD gradient can be used for creating buttons, creating form elements, or backgrounds. The purpose of this file is to demonstrate how to create effective gradients in PhotoShop. The PhotoShop file itself are layered vectors with effects including a grey noise effect to soften the blend.

PSD LayersDoing gradients the right way is not always as easy as it would seem. First, Gradients wouldn’t always display correctly on all browsers let alone on all screens. Until monitors are retina driven there will be artifact issues that cause problems when viewing. In this psd gradients file I added subtle gradients with a noise effect that would cancel out the blend artifacts problem.

Please use this file for both personal and commercial works, however you may not distribute this as is as your own work.

Simon Urbina

Simon is a Product Designer and Front End Dev with over 20 years of experience. He started as a graphic designer and illustrator coding his first website in 1996. He has worked with brands like Publix, Microsoft, and Discovery Channel.